Home Functions Translation Service Your income and withdraw page

Your income and withdraw page

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Income statistics and amount withdrawals

Click counting guidelines: 1. Regardless of how many times a user refreshes a page, each click will be counted only once; 2. Clicks will be counted only after the reading progress reaches 20%.

Your total income: 0.00 = $ 0.00 from the chapters you have helped edited.

(The minimum payment for PayPal is $5, and the minimum payment for Payoneer is $50; if you choose Payoneer as your payment method, you will have 5% bonus;):

The Binance - USDT option has been closed! If you want to be paid via Binance, please talk to me on Discord.

How you receive payment (Please write your PayPal, Payoneer, or Binance payment method here)

Once you click the submit button, the admin will receive an email notification to initiate the money transfer to you. If you have not received the funds within 48 hours, please email us at gravitytales@163.com or reach out in our Discord group (https://discord.gg/PazjBDkTmW).

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