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Translation Page – Process 3

Check all unconfirmed English sentences and replace the specified term (查找所有英文翻译,并用新的字符串来替代其中旧的字符串):

The original term:

The term that will replace the original term:

If you think that the translation of a Chinese term is wrong, you can replace it here (如果某个中文名词翻译错了,那么在这里更新它对应的英文翻译):

The Chinese term:

The English term:

Remove a Chinese term from the term list (将指定的中文名词从名词列表里移除):

The Chinese term you want to remove:

Add a new term, remove it from the blacklist, and re-translate all sentences that are related to this term (添加一个新的名词翻译,并且查找所有出现过该名词的句子并重新翻译):



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