How to use this MTL Tool

If your role is “author”, you can open its main page via “Translator Tools -> MTL Tool” ( Copy and paste the Chinese chapter you want to translate here (Theoretically, the tool can also translate other languages, but not been tested), then click “Start Translating”. Wait for a few seconds and then the page will…

Doing a test

test1 test2 test3

Test Some Plugins

This page is used to test the functions of some plugins. No need to pay attention to it. Chapter 1: Coming-of-Age Present Half an hour ago. At 5 o’clock, the gloom had reached the city. The last flames of the sunset bathed the window in a golden hue. Darkness crept from the remote buildings, which…

Terms Page Test

test term function

Tl page edit test

test edit function

Translation Test Page

test some translation functions

Fenci Functin Test Subpage

Subpage. Test functions.